Dr. Elsey’s Brand Power of Purrsuasion Online Contest Voting Terms and Conditions
Who may vote. Adults 18 or older with an e-mail account may participate. Please note that Dr. Elsey’s, PetFusion, Competing Cafés and their employees are not eligible to vote.
How to vote. There will be four months of voting, starting 03/01/2020 until 06/30/2020. Votes may only be cast by accessing a link that will be available at [drelseys.com/makeover] (the “Voting Page”), where voters can register their vote by electronically selecting the Competing Café they wish to vote for. To cast their vote, voters will be required to enter their first name, last name, and e-mail address. By entering their e-mail address, voters consent to receiving marketing and commercial e-mail messages from Dr. Elsey’s, PetFusion, and their agents.
When to vote. Dr. Elsey’s will post on the Voting Page when voting begins and ends. Any votes registered outside the announced voting times will not count.
Restrictions on number of votes. Voters are limited to one vote per person per 24-hour period. Entries via agents or third parties or the use of multiple identities are not permitted. Use of automated entries, votes or other programs is prohibited and all such entries (or votes) are subject to disqualification.
No write in votes. Dr. Elsey’s will not accept any write-in votes.
Results announced. Dr. Elsey’s will announce via the Voting Page when voting is closed and, after the votes are tabulated, the competition’s winner.
No prizes for voters. Voters are not competing and there will be no prize awarded to a voter.
Disqualification and alternative voting. Dr. Elsey’s reserves the right to disqualify entries or suspend voting if it has grounds to suspect that fraudulent voting has occurred or if it considers there has been any attempt to rig the voting. Dr. Elsey’s may disqualify entries that are late, misdirected, incomplete, corrupted, lost, illegible or invalid or where appropriate parental consent was not provided. Dr. Elsey’s has the right to substitute an alternative selection method at its absolute discretion.
Dr. Elsey’s is the final arbiter. Dr. Elsey’s shall be responsible for the vote counting, and for administering the online-voting competition. Dr. Elsey’s shall act with absolute discretion, and its actions and decisions shall be final. Dr. Elsey’s reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend this event, and/or to modify these Terms and Conditions, at any time.
Limitation of liability. Dr. Elsey’s shall not be responsible whatsoever for any technical failure or malfunction or any other problem with any online system, server, provider or otherwise which may result in any vote being lost or not properly registered or recorded.
UGC Terms of Use apply. Voting submissions are considered User Generated Content made pursuant to Dr. Elsey’s Brand Video UGC Terms of Use, available online at: [https://www.drelseys.com/brand-video-ugc-terms-and-conditions/]. Voters agree to be bound by Dr. Elsey’s Brand Video UGC Terms of Use.